Fun Facts about Babies

There is much to rejoice about if you were born in March. While you undoubtedly already know that Pisces or Aries is your zodiac sign, you might not be familiar with the other fascinating information we provide. This article gives you fun facts about babies that will blow your mind.

It is not surprising that newborns born in March tend to see the sunny side of things as this month marks the start of spring. After a long winter, this time of year produces a lot of enthusiasm and cheeriness, with the weather growing warmer for birthday parties and the beginning of Daylight Savings. Additionally, March newborns observe their birthdays and several significant holidays this month. There are numerous significant days to anticipate in March, including International Women’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter (depending on the year).

In addition to being a month of celebrations, several studies even link babies born in March to later health, careers, sleep, and other factors! Did you know that 12.5% of CEOs were born in March? If you are keen to discover more about people born in March, we have compiled a list of fascinating things you have probably never heard of!

12 Fascinating and Fun Facts about Babies Born in March

The following are some exciting and fun facts about babies born in March that will make your babies born in March more memorable for you.

Compared to their classmates, they are taller

According to an Austrian study, babies born in April were the tallest. Newborns born at the end of March tended to be taller than other babies. Researchers think it depends on how much light-dependent melatonin pregnant women are exposed to. Thus, one of the fun facts about babies born in March is that they are taller.

They either have Pisces or Aries as their zodiac sign

Two signs govern March babies: If a person is born in March, their sign is either Pisces (March 1–20) or Aries (March 21–April 19). Aries is “passionate and independent,” while Pisces is “intellectual, creative, and deeply intuitive.”

Pisces astrological sign

The birth flower is the daffodil

The daffodil (narcissus), one of the first spring flowers, is frequently linked to rebirth, fresh starts, and even prosperity. But make sure to be kind to them: Daffodils must be given in groups; a single daffodil is thought to portend bad luck.

yellow daffodils

They have the ability to advance up the corporate ladder

Children born in March and April have been discovered to have a higher likelihood of becoming CEOs; a survey of 375 organisations indicated that 12.5% of CEOs were born in March. (Sorry, summer babes—June and July had the fewest.) According to The Wall Street Journal, spring babies fare well because they are older than their peers. Hence, this is one of the most Fun Facts about Babies Born in March that these babies will get high corporate positions in the future.

Famous CEOs

Aquamarine and bloodstone are the birthstones for March

Aquamarine is a hue that resembles the ocean, as its name suggests. According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), they represent the purity of spirit and soul because of their connection to crystal-clear water. The opposite is almost true of bloodstones: They are dark green stones with red iron oxide particles (the “blood”). According to the GIA, these give the user health and vigour.

aquamarine birthstone

March also features several entertaining events

March is the month for the following celebrations, in addition to major holidays like St. Patrick’s Day and (occasionally) Easter: Women’s History Month (the entire month), Celebrate Your Name Week (the first full week), National Grammar Day (March 4), Pi Day (March 14, as in 3.14) and Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (March 26). Just in case you decide to continue the celebration over the entire month.

They most likely have a famous birthday companion

You are not alone if you were born in March. Numerous well-known people celebrate their birthdays in the third month of the year. Those famous personalities include Mariah Carey (March 24), Albert Einstein (March 14), Mr Rogers (March 20), Suga of BTS (March 27), and Justin Bieber (March 1). Any youngster born in March has a chance to become famous.

There will be some late nights

If you celebrate the March holidays with a party, plan on staying up until the small hours: Children born in the spring and summer stay up later than newborns born in the winter, according to one sleep research.

For newborns born in March, the health outlook is favourable

Enjoy a few years of good health! A study by Columbia University discovered that some birth months were associated with elevated risks for specific diseases. The study found that March babies were not only not at an elevated risk of respiratory, reproductive, cardiovascular, or neurological diseases but also were linked to a lower risk of disease. But parents have to follow some tips for taking care of their newborn babies. March babies, enjoy this news in good health!

They can also rise in other ways

According to research from the U.K.’s Office of National Statistics, children born in March have a statistically higher likelihood of becoming pilots as adults. You can immediately begin accumulating frequent flier miles.

They adore art

The most artistic and creative of all the signs are thought to be Pisces. Artists love to express themselves via their work because it is natural to create beautiful, enchanting works of art. Don’t be shocked if your child one day brings home a piece of art that would make Picasso envious!

rainbow drawings

They see the silver lining

People born in March have sunny dispositions, which is appropriate for someone born in the spring. They have a high rating on the hyperthymia scale, which indicates that they have a general optimism that enables them to see past the negative. Unfortunately, if things don’t turn out as planned, individuals are more susceptible to sadness.


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